December 2013 Newsletter
Dear Customer
We are pleased to announce the release of Version 5.1 of the Mutiny Monitoring System.
This upgrade brings some great new features and a new Module, enhancing what most are hailing as the best kept secret in the monitoring world.
As always we thank our users for their continued support and valued input into the features and developments of Mutiny. All of our improvements are guided by your feedback and requests for supporting new devices and methods.
During 2013 we added several new monitoring Agents and Adapters to Version 5.0 and we fine-tuned the Events and Alerts to produce, what we feel, is now the most comprehensive system on the market for accurate and reliable alerting.
Re-visualising Mutiny to make it useable to more than just the "Techies" has been a big focus this year and the feedback we have received since we released Version 5, has been totally positive. We have continued to work in this direction with further enhancements to the node Views.
In Version 5.0 we introduced a View option to switch between Node View, Table View, Top Tens and Wallboard. Version 5.1 extends this methodology with "Node View" renamed as "Icons" and the addition of the two new View options of "Grid" and "Map". Grid works the same as the icon layout in the auto-generated views, filling the screen with your nodes in alpha-numeric order and thus allowing users with a large number of nodes in a View to condense them onto the page for easy selection. The Map option adds Google-maps display options, filtered by the nodes in the chosen View, to display nodes at their geographical locations.

The big news in this release is the new Quick-Reports Module. This has been developed in response to user requests for a way to view data from several different nodes on a single screen. The selection filter on the left allows you to select Views and nodes and then pick the properties to add to the report. Once the selections have been made, the data flows into the screen in a grid. The time period can be changed at the top of the page with the effect of redrawing each of the graphs to match the period selected. The good news is that we are including this module for no extra charge as part of the upgrade, enhancing the core-product offering.
The Version 5.1 upgrade is available to all our customers with a current support subscription and we encourage everyone to upgrade at their earliest convenience. Any customers who would like assistance, can request a GoToMeeting with the Mutiny Support Team.
Please see the release notes on our Website for the details of this and previous enhancements added to Mutiny during this year.
Next year, we are planning to release a new Windows PowerShell scheduler and supporting Shell-Store (to allow the sharing of PowerShell scriptlets), greatly enhancing the monitoring of Microsoft Windows-server components. We are also making changes to the Agents section of Mutiny to allow users to set thresholds against their custom Remote Agents. We think this will make the process of monitoring all Agent data much easier and it will massively enhance Windows monitoring in particular. We will send out another newsletter when this Agent is available for beta testing.
Finally the Mutiny Team wishes you all the best for the Season and a prosperous New Year!